Look who made the PAPER!! One our most Favorite FUN patients qualified to compete at the WORLD'S LARGEST JUNIOR HIGH RODEO!! Way to go KACEY BULLOCK!! He's the tallest one in the pic! We are so PROUD of YOU!! CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!!
Our Patient POOL PARTY is coming FAST!! Mark it in your calender FRIDAY, AUG 19th!! We want to see YOU...Your Friends...and Your Family...THERE!! We are soooo Excited! We hope YOU are too!! 20 yrs a GORGEOUS SMILES is because of YOU!!! THANK YOU!
CONGRATS to ALANA LEE who was just crowned MISS NEVADA 2011!!! We are so PROUD of her! Just look at that SMILE!! It's contagious! Alana was one of our Amazing Patients and we are just so Happy that she gets to represent Nevada! She will go on to compete in the Miss America Pageant at the Planet Hollywood Hotel here in town in Jan! We are so EXCITED for her!! GOOD LUCK ALANA! MISS NEVADA!!
Remember..... We are Celebrating 20yrs of Perfect Beautiful SMILES and we need you there!!! Join us in a POOL PARTY Honoring YOU!!! We wouldn't have all the BEAUTIFUL Smiles out there without YOU!!! So on AUGUST 19th We want to THANK YOU for being one of OUR AMAZING PATIENT!! See you then!!